Michael Morrison

Senior Consultant, Partner, Architect, BA BArch RIBA IHBC

Michael has worked on some of the most significant historic buildings in the UK and has been responsible for major projects on National Trust Houses, National Gallery and British Museum, as well as for many private clients.

Michael has lead the development of the Heritage Consultancy Team in the producing Conservation Management Plans and Heritage Impact Assessments. He also has a particular interest in Strategic Plans for major historic buildings and sites. He has assisted the Antarctic Heritage Trust to produce management plans for Scott and Shackleton’s Huts and proposals for the abandoned whaling stations in South Georgia.

Michael set up the Hong Kong office and is an Associate Professor at Hong Kong University. Michael has been a member of the National Trust’s Architectural Panel and is currently a Trustee of the Greenwich Foundation and a Commissioner for English Heritage. He is also the UK representative on the ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee.