Purcell appointed to £330m Manchester Town Hall refurbishment

Purcell has been appointed as the architect for the refurbishment of the Grade I-listed Manchester Town Hall.
The repair and upgrade project will bring the 1860s building, designed by Alfred Waterhouse, up to ’modern access and safety standards’ and will include the restoration of the Great Hall and its Ford Madox Brown murals. External repairs include work on the roof, stonework and drains.
Deputy leader of Manchester City Council Bernard Priest said: ’The work required to repair and upgrade the Town Hall will demand real expertise and dedication, so we have selected our consultants with great care. We look forward to working with them on this once-in-a-lifetime project, which will secure and enhance the long-term future of Manchester’s treasured civic centrepiece.’
Our aim is to bring town hall back to the cultural heart of Manchester City as a flagship destination. We are looking forward to working closely with Manchester City Council and our project partners.
— Mark Goldspink, CEO