Purcell Moves LLP Status to Ltd Company As Part of Journey to Employee Ownership

As of 1st May 2019, business and assets of Purcell Miller Tritton LLP have moved to Purcell Architecture Limited. The change to Limited company status is the first step towards becoming fully employee-owned in 2020.
For 70 years, the AJ100 architectural practice which is currently working on Battersea Power Station and UNESCO World Heritage site Durham Cathedral has been owned by equity partners as directors. In 2019, Purcell will implement a more permanent structure to safeguard its ownership and independence in perpetuity.
"Purcell continues to grow steadily, based on our geographical diversity, both within the UK and internationally, and the depth and strength of our sought-after expertise, including architecture, masterplanning and heritage consultancy.
Our work to protect and modernise iconic buildings like Manchester Town Hall, the Elizabeth Tower, the National Portrait Gallery and Tai Kwun in Hong Kong are among numerous projects supporting our revenue and further enhancing our reputation.
We are now moving to an employee-owned structure to ensure the ongoing future strength of the business and our ability to continue delivering an exceptionally high quality service to our clients and collaborators."
Mark Goldspink, CEO

As part of the practice becoming employee-owned, the business of Purcell Miller Tritton LLP (a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales) has been transferred to Purcell Architecture Limited (a limited liability company registered in England and Wales), or Purcell Architecture Limited. The firm will continue to trade under the name of Purcell.
Please be in contact for further information, or to arrange an interview with CEO Mark Goldspink.