Hong Kong’s Central Police Station compound revitalised for heritage and arts

Starting from the last week of May, the revitalised Central Police Station compound will open in phases to the public as Tai Kwun - Centre for Heritage and Arts (Tai Kwun means "Big Station" in Chinese).
As conservation architects, Purcell researched the history and significance of the Central Police Station compound and identified the areas that should be retained, and the scope for change. Building on this work, we provided the advocacy in support of stakeholder consultation, and ultimately, statutory approval. Once works began, we deployed up to 10 staff on site to ensure that our design ambitions were delivered. The result will be a site that is fully restored and adapted to new uses for a sustainable future, which will promote understanding of Hong Kong’s past and provide exciting new arts facilities.
Commissioned by the Hong Kong Jockey club who spearheaded the revitalization project, Purcell worked in collaboration with Herzog & de Meuron who designed two new buildings and sitewide interventions and Rocco Design Architects in the executive architect role. As the single largest heritage project that Hong Kong will perhaps ever do, it has revitalised a 6-acre site and restored some 16 heritage buildings.
The Hong Kong Jockey Club, working in partnership with the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, aims to transform this prime location at the heart of central Hong Kong into a public cultural venue that everyone can enjoy. This ambitious project has sought to breathe new life into the site and to make what was once closed to the community, into a lively centre of heritage appreciation and contemporary art.
For details of Purcell’s involvement in project, get in touch at info@purcellap.com otherwise, you can explore the site yourself by applying for a free pass. Simply register here: https://www.taikwun.hk/en/visit/taikwun_pass.
Discover more about the design here.
從五月的最後一周開始,活化後的香港中區警署建築群將以「 大館 - 古蹟和藝術館」分階段向公眾開放 。
香港賽馬會與香港特別行政區政府合作,目標是將這個處於香港中環中心地帶的重要地標轉型為可供大眾使用的文化場所。項目將原本對社區封閉的場地注入了全新的生命,將其打造成為了充滿活力的 古蹟及藝術館。
若您想了解更多Purcell在項目中的工作,請通過info@purcellap.com 與我們聯繫。若想親身體驗,請於https://www.taikwun.hk/en/visit/taikwun_pass免費登記。