Purcell and Jamie Fobert Architects reach first milestone in ambitious plans to transform the UK’s National Portrait Gallery
Purcell, working in partnership with JamieFobert Architects, has submitted plans to transform the National Portrait Gallery. The transformationwill be the Gallery’s biggest developmentsince the building opened in 1896. Designs were unveiled to coincide with the Gallery’s launch of Make History — a public appeal to raise funds for the £35.5 million project.
The re-development, part of the gallery’s Inspiring People program, will consist of a substantial refurbishment of the building, restoring historicfeatures and creating a new and morewelcoming visitor entrance and public forecourt on the building’s North Façade.
A complete re-display andre-interpretation of The Gallery’s collection will also be undertaken across 40refurbished galleries. The Gallery’s East Wing of the original building will return topublic use as the brand-new Weston Wing — increasing public gallery space byabout twenty percent. The new Weston Wing will incorporate retail and cateringfacilities as well as a Learning Studio for visitors, complete with studios,breakout spaces and high-quality practical facilities.
The public can support the project by helping to fund new mosaics, which will be incorporated into the forecourt floor design, or adopting one of 18 original stone busts on the exterior of the building.
The Inspiring People Project proposals are based on design confidencethat has been accumulated through a rigorous understanding of the building’shistory and a sensitive approach to a wide range of contextual attributes.Purcell are delighted to have contributed to this thorough understanding of thegallery’s spatial order and its place in the city. Through this Jamie FobertArchitects’ skilful set of proposals acknowledge the building’s past and betterprepare it for its future.
— Liz Smith, Partner